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We are happy to have you join our community!

Home Delivered Meals on Mondays for Post Falls; Wednesdays and Fridays for Coeur d' Alene

Lunch Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12pm

Billiards Monday-Friday 8 am-4pm

Arts and Crafts Mondays and Fridays 9 am-12pm
Watercolor Wednesdays 1-4pm

Bingo Mondays and Thursdays 5:15 -8pm (Doors open at 4pm)

Intermediate Line Dancing Mondays 9-11am
Beginners Line Dancing Tuesdays 9-11am
Advance Line Dancing Thursdays 9-11am

Tai Chi Tuesdays 9-10am

Chair Yoga Wednesdays @11-12pm

Fit and Fall Proof Fridays @11-12pm

Pinochle and Mah Jongg Tuesdays and Fridays 1-4pm
Mexican Train Wednesdays 1-4pm

Bunco Potluck 4th Friday of every month 6-830pm (Except holidays)

Our "Pool and the Gang" here at Lake City Center

Click on photo for slide show

The Gang is all here

Lake City Tappers

Lunch with the Lake City Tappers

The Gang is all here
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